Who Are We?
about me
Garnetta Johnson
Hello, I am Garnetta Johnson, my goal through this site is to provide the support for everyone who has gone through many difficult experiences in life. My personal experience with recovery motivated me to create this site to be a source of support and assistance for everyone. Abuse Recovery Program will guide you on your journey to recovery.
Because of life circumstances and hurt in my life, I used to tell myself I was not as good as others, not as lovable, not as pretty, pure, good…… and I’m here to help you get rid of these types of lies you may have told yourself for years JUST LIKE I DID. If you believe “junk” like that, I will show you how you are actually creating the disharmony and conflict you don’t want. These facts are based upon information from current behavioral science and also channeled information from Ascended Beings.
All my life, things went wrong. I didn’t feel loved enough, or accepted enough. I wasn’t treated well. I was a burden as a kid and not supported and built up by my family. As an adult I created so much pain in my life that it affected my children too. It was painful to experience such a life. But one day I woke up with a vivid thought. “You Don’t Have to Suffer Anymore”. The first thing I thought after this was, “I don’t?” I was amazed.
I could tell this was a message to me. I had been suffering a long time and was calling out to God for help. I couldn’t figure out why life was so bad. Then I began to search for answers. I found many sources of information and encouragement. I heard that I was the one creating my bad life. Well, I could have sworn it was everyone else’s rejection that caused this.
All in all, if you take a look at the lessons in this book, you will discover how you too can stop suffering. Step by step, I hope you acquire the same happiness that I now experience. Just take one lesson at a time, follow the guidance sincerely, and you will stop suffering just as I did.
Garnetta Johnson